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Dexter Honors U.S. Military During Memorial Day Celebration

Hundreds attended the annual Memorial Day parade and ceremony at Monument Park on Monday.

Hundreds of residents from Dexter and surrounding communtiies lined the streets and filled Monument Park for the Village of Dexter's annual Memorial Day parade on Monday.

The parade was preceeded by a ceremony honoring members of the U.S. military killed or injured in combat since the American Revolution of 1776.

"We continue to lose American heroes every day in Afghanistan and in military accidents and missions around the world," said Joe Palmer, a U.S. Army specialist in the 3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment. "The loss to their famlies, friends, and fellow service members and country is permenent."

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Palmer, an architecture student at the University of Michigan, served two tours in Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom, and said it was an honor to be chosen as this year's speaker for the ceremony, which was coordinated by members of the .

Arthur Klump, 93, Dexter's oldest World War II veteran, said he was happy to attend the ceremony. Klump was stationed for three years in the U.S. and one year in Germany during the war.

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"I was glad to see the American Legion put together a program this year," he said. "It's important to remember why we celebrate Memorial Day. Today represents the memories and the sacrifices that military families have made for America."

The former village clerk said he met President Dwight Eisenhower and Gen. George Patton while serving in Germany.

"That was a long time ago," he laughed.

Klump's son, Jim, also served in the Army during the Vietnam War and said it's nice to see people thanking troops for their service.

"It was a lot different when we came home from Vietnam," he said. "There was a lot of angst and cruelty toward our men and women in uniform. It was a sad time for our country."

Jim Klump said he was glad the American Legion moved its program before the parade in order to increase attendance.

"In past years, the ceremony would take place after the parade and no one would stick around except the veterans," he said. "This year they had a good speaker and filled the streets with people."

Sgt. Maj. Stephen Young attended the parade with his family from Pinckney.

"To see Dexter honor its soldiers is great," he said. "It's nice to see the community come together. They know Memorial Day is important. It means more than anything to us when people come out and honor the military."

Young, who is currently stationed at Fort Bragg, N.C., said he's lost 17 friends in combat and honors their memory every day.

"No number (of casulties) is a good number," he said. "A lot of people don't realize the sacrifices our military families make. I appreciate small towns like Dexter taking steps to preserve Memorial Day celebrations."

Dexter Village President Shawn Keough commended the parade committee and volunteers for putting together this year's celebration.

"It was a beautiful day and a beautiful event," he said. "Everything went smoothly and the parade was well attended. I hope we will do it again next year. It was a really well done event."

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